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Stewardship: Diya and Deepti

When I first visited Christ Church with my family, my children spent time at the home of Preethi and Sam Jackson. During that visit, Diya and Deepti spent time with my daughters, and they did a very good job hosting them.

It has been quite an interesting experience watching Diya and Deepti grow into beautiful young women who serve as acolytes at Christ Church and are actively involved in our Youth Ministry. It was pure joy watching Diya play the piano and Deepti play the violin during the last Youth Sunday. Diya was also one of the candidates who was confirmed last May and I look forward to having Deepti in the next confirmation class.

Watching them grow reminds me of the nurturing environment that Christ Church provides for each one of us - a place where we each grow in body, mind, and spirit. I am grateful for their playfulness, smiles, and love for Christ Church. I am also grateful for the many ways in which your generosity to Christ Church makes it possible for us to nurture, and put a smile on all of our faces.

It is my prayer that Diya and Deepti's love for Christ Church may resonate with you and that your love and total devotion to God and Christ Church may speak for you, especially during this stewardship campaign.

Thank you Diya and Deepti, and God Bless,


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Columbia, Maryland 21045

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