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Men of Christ Church
The Men of Christ Church fellowship group (MOCC) wants to continue to encourage you to join us in our efforts to develop and expand our ministry. This is so that we can be a grounded and reliable resource to the members of our local community, and beyond. In addition to acts of service, we also gather regularly for food, fun, and fellowship... whether you can join us only occasionally, or we see you each and every time, you are always welcome.
Currently, our acts of service towards neighbors in our home area takes the form of providing "Random Acts of Kindness" - whether it's coffee and donuts for the men and women of our local fire station or refreshments for the emergency room staff of Howard County General Hospital, the MOCC aims to help show appreciation to those who work every day (and night) to support our community so strongly. You can help us, as well. If you have ideas for a future Random Act of Kindness, wish to help us by donating support (one way you can help is by purchasing a Christ Church logo shirt; all proceeds go towards our Random Act of Kindness), or if you have any questions, please email us.

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