Continue the Ministry of
“I have grown myself and loved my inclusion in a Christian 'koinonia' - a fellowship or communion with God and with fellow believers. It's such glorious fun, filled with laughter and tears and respect along with 'let's Google it' moments, new knowledge, and insight.”
The Rev. Marcia Davenport

Education for Ministry is a unique four-year, small-group program based on study and practice in theological reflection, helping participants discover and nurture their call to Christian service where they live, work, and play.
While this is not a traditional Bible study program, you will discover a lot about the Bible as you read it alongside basic biblical commentary, church and world history, and practical introductions to Christian theology and ethics.
“Participation in all aspects of Education for Ministry this first year has given my life a renewed sense of purpose and a means to spiritual enlightenment and growth. My greatest joy this year has been Bible study; achievement of a personal goal to read and theologically reflect upon the entire Old Testament. I look forward to reading the New Testament in my second year of EfM. What a profound blessing!”
Pamela B.
​Our vows at baptism say that all baptized Christians are ministers. God calls us to be active participants in ministry. So, what is that ministry? As the Church, we are called to continue the ministry of Jesus. We are called to be the hands, heart, and incarnate body of Christ in our own place through worship, reflection, in service to others, and by the proclamation of God’s Word to all people.
The EfM program is designed to help Christians prepare for their ministry. It is that vocation we pray for at the end of the communion service: “And now, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”
During the service of Confirmation, we ask God to “Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at Baptism. Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perform the service you set before them.” EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to a Christian life.