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Dearly Beloved

Times of uncertainty push us to engage our faith and deepen our caring in ways that we may not in more stable times. This is especially true for faith communities like ours. As we draw close to two years of persevering through challenges, negotiating change, and facing new and unprecedented community needs, Christ Episcopal Church remains committed to being a touchstone of consistency for its parishioners and those whom we serve.

Throughout 2021, worship itself has continued to evolve. Some of the virtual worship options created in the early days of the pandemic will remain, even as some of us have returned to in-person worship. Through these options, Christ Church has become a church that serves its parish flexibly, allowing us to remain a community as we strive to keep ourselves, and our families, safe and well.

We have maintained our service commitments to the Route 1 Shelter by providing for those who receive services there, and to Lake Elkhorn Middle school, where we support families and children in need of school supplies, and more. We have hired a new Youth Minister, Todd. We plan to substantially increase our annual support to Outreach. And we are presently exploring the possibility of supporting refugees from Afghanistan. These are only a few of the many ministry initiatives that Christ Church is supporting.

Even as we return to some sense of normalcy, the financial needs of the parish remain. Your contribution to the Ministry Resource Budget will help sustain the home and heart of our faith community so that it may go on providing for the needs of our community-at-large in whatever way we must rise to next. Your pledge also allows Christ Episcopal Church to continue gathering on Sundays, in person and remotely, providing for those in need at home and abroad, and supporting our community members through life’s trials.

It is our joy to assure you that there are several ways in which you may return your pledge information for the upcoming year. Enclosed in our recent postal mailing is a pledge card that we hope you will bring to church on Pledge Sunday, November 7th. They will also be made available in the narthex. Once you complete the information, you can mail the pledge card back to the church. Alternatively, you can go online at to make your pledge. You can click on the "Pledge for 2022" banner at the top of the page, or click here for a direct link.

Dwelling ever deeply on our annual theme, “Be One Body in Christ, Belonging to Each Other,” we will be counting on your generosity and kindness.


The Stewardship Committee

Hugh Fatodu, Chair

Anne Moore

Germai Kwerkeh

Nancy Schempp

Jim Schempp

Andrea Leeman

Andrew Eaton

Kelly Tokasz

Elizabeth Everett


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Christ Episcopal Church

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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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