Christ Church Outreach News: June 9, 2022

Inviting One and All to Get Involved in Christ Church Outreach by Virtually Attending Our Next Meeting on Monday, June 13th
The Outreach Commission invites you to join in during our monthly meeting to learn more about opportunities this summer. In keeping with our mission, the scope is local, national, and international. The meeting will be held virtually at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13th, and feel free to email us at for the Zoom details if you'd like to join us. Everyone is invited, and there's no better way to get more fully involved in helping others!
Christ Church Extends Extra Help to the Homeless in June and Invites Parishioners to Join In by Bringing Menu Items or Volunteering on June 13th
Imagine living in a tent or in your vehicle as spring turns to summer, with few chances to get out of the heat. One oasis – literally – is the Day Resource Center (DRC), which offers services at Dorsey Center three days a week to homeless men, women, and, occasionally, their children. The DRC is operated by Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center.

The center was in need of bottled water and sports drinks that people could take with them for hydration. Last week, Outreach member Dione Mahoney and her husband, Jim, responded to the DRC request by delivering eight cases of sports drinks and six cases of bottled water. Also, she addressed a renewed request from Dr. Joseph Gagliardi to meet the needs of patients at his free medical clinic.
Replenishing his supply of vitamins and over-the-counter medicines, along with the purchase of the drinks, cost approximately $350. The funds came from parishioners who donate through the church to “General Outreach,” A hearty thanks goes out to you from “Dr. G” and the DRC friends!
This month the DRC is relying on Christ Church in more ways than one. We traditionally serve its midday meal on the second Monday of each month, and on June 13, we’ll be filling a last-minute gap by purchasing enough fried chicken for its evening meal, too. The rest of our routine remains the same, and this is where you come in.
On Monday, June 13th, there are two drop-off times for side dishes and desserts at Christ Church: 12:45 p.m. for the DRC menu and 3:15 p.m. for the menu at Grassroots’ Live-in Facility’s evening meal. We most recently donated items on May 9th.
The fact that Grassroots operates both venues has made it easier for Christ Church to consolidate our approach to feeding the hungry. It’s efficient to provide for groups at two separate venues on the same day. Your donations and Vestry-approved funds pay for the fried chicken. Thank you.
The first group is made up of about 40 homeless friends at the DRC in Jessup. A team of four Christ Church volunteers will serve their midday meal in person. The second group resides at Grassroots’ Live-in Facility, where the staff serves the food that we supply.
If you're volunteering, cooking, or shopping for the midday meal at the DRC, plan to arrive between 12:45 and 1 p.m. at the parking lot outside Old Brick. Bring a side dish, a dessert, or items for the DRC pantry. Click on the Christ Church Dorsey/DRC Meal link on SignUpGenius to view requested items and say how you’ll help. We usually carpool to Jessup.
If you're cooking or bringing pantry items for both meals, plan to arrive between 12:45 and 1 p.m. at the parking lot outside Old Brick. Put your items for the evening meal in the Parish Hall kitchen. Or, depending on the dish or the supplementals, such as cookies or fruit, you can put them in the kitchen on a Sunday if your items are clearly marked.
If you’re cooking or shopping solely for the Live-In Facility’s evening meal, plan to arrive between 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. for the dropoff in the parking lot outside Old Brick. Bring a side dish, a dessert, or items for the pantry. Click on the Christ Church Grassroots Meal link on SignUpGenius to view a menu. Please sign up by noon on Sunday.
In-person volunteers are asked to have a flu shot and full COVID-19 vaccination. For information, email to contact co-coordinator Nancy Winchester.
Both the DRC and the Live-In Facility have wider needs for their pantries and welcome in-kind donations to be dropped off for delivery on the second Mondays. Look for the monthly needs list under the words “Related Files” on each of the sign-up sites.

Columbia Community Care Needs Diapers, Personal Care Items
At Christ Church, members of R.A.G.E and the Outreach Commission ask parishioners to continue supporting the all-volunteer organization, Columbia Community Care (CCC). Please collect diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items, and adult diapers. Put any of these in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall. Drop off items on weekdays when the church office is open or on Sunday.

Donate Snacks, Crackers, and Cookies to FISH in Bin on our Breezeway
Organizers for FISH of Howard County are continuing to ask for cookies, crackers, and snacks to fulfill its shopping lists. The yellow bin is between Old Brick and the Parish Hall. Thanks for your contributions to our neighbors in need.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.