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CEC Outreach News: November 20, 2020

Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive Nears Completion

As we close in on the collection drive to help feed families at Thanksgiving, we’re counting on you to bring the goods we still need, or to make donations. In collaboration with the nonprofit organization FISH of Howard County, Christ Church once again is providing menu items for turkey dinners for thirty households. As promised, in order to fill gaps or report a sufficient supply of some items, we are updating you as follows:

Please bring instant or fresh potatoes, canned or fresh yams, jars or cartons of gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, and desserts.

Off the wish list: stuffing, canned vegetables, canned fruits, applesauce, and cookies. We have received plenty at this time. Thank you.

You are invited to bring the rolls, pies, and/or pound cake on the final collection day, given their perishable nature. The drive ends this Sunday, Nov. 22 at noon. Please don’t be late!

Those who wish to drop off items in the outdoor bin may do so curbside, near the entrance to the Parish Hall under the breezeway. You should not need to enter the building unless you encounter a problem with the bin, such as an overflow of items.

If you wish to donate toward the cost of the dinners, please designate Outreach/turkey dinner online in Realm or mail a check to the office with Outreach/turkey dinner in the memo line. The cost of a frozen turkey is approximately $20. The cost of side dishes for one family’s meal is about $26.00.

Among our pandemic-related safety precautions is one arranging for the online purchase and direct delivery of the frozen poultry. Our order is set to arrive on Friday, Nov. 20th. The goods will be assembled at the FISH pantry by its volunteers, who also handle deliveries to the families. Once again, Shahra and George Toth of the Outreach Commission are leading the drive, but if you have questions, email Thanks to everyone for considering a donation of food or funds to help make this a special Thanksgiving holiday for our neighbors in need.

Save the Date -- Dec. 21-- to Help Feed the Hungry at Grassroots

Christ Church has claimed the slot for the third Monday next month, which means we’ll be providing the evening meal on Dec. 21st at the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. Please mark your calendars to be at Old Brick at 3:30 p.m., when volunteers may drop off their contributions safely in the parking lot. Please wear masks and plan to practice social distancing. Additional volunteers -- and the resulting side dishes, desserts, fruit, and granola bars -- are welcome.

On Monday, Nov. 16th, Christ Church once again provided the evening meal for 50 people at Grassroots’ live-in facility on Freetown Road. They were treated to a menu of fried chicken, side dishes, and tasty desserts. During the months of the pandemic, this rendezvous has become routine for co-coordinator Nancy Winchester. She acquires the chicken at Weis, meets the other volunteers as they drive up to Old Brick, and then transports the items to Freetown Road for handoff to the staff of Grassroots. A generous donation of $200 from the Women of Christ Church is helping to pay for the chicken.

On their own, parishioners at Christ Church have signed up to provide the evening meal on several evenings this month for the 50 adults and children. Consider pitching in, by picking a date during December to provide an entrée and side dishes. Grassroots encourages an order of six pizzas -- two with cheese and four with meat (any kind), or rotisserie chickens (12 to make a meal, plus sides), but discourages lasagna or other pasta entrees. Another welcome option is takeout from restaurants to help the workforce. Here is a link to the sign-up list, maintained by Grassroots.

Meanwhile, the Dorsey/Rt. 1 Day Resource Center remains closed due to the coronavirus, except for curbside distribution of non-perishables.

DreamBuilders - New Build Dates!

We have had to delay our third DreamBuilders Desk Build by one week, due to a delay in the delivery of building materials. Please note the new dates of November 21st and December 5th. The DreamBuilders’ first two efforts at building portable and foldable desks for students was so successful, and we want to continue to get these desks out to those who need them. Our work site will be indoors, at a large warehouse facility and will include social distancing, masks, and other measures to mpsainimize potential exposure to the Coronavirus. To learn more about the Build Days, and to register for either weekend, please visit

Springfield Hospital Christmas Gifts

We will once again be collecting Christmas gifts for our friends at Springfield Hospital. This has been a particularly difficult year for them, as they have been unable to have visits due to the pandemic. Though we haven’t been able to make our usual visits, we will be gathering gifts for them to bring a little Christmas Joy. If you would like to contribute, we have placed a large container in the Tower Room to accept your unwrapped donations, before December 14th. If that’s inconvenient, please contact Cathy Gold and we will find a way. or (410) 440-4178.

Baltimore International Seafarers' Center Donations

The Seafarers charity is again requesting donations from Christ Episcopal Church. The group is asking for warm hats for men, 2021 Calendars, and copies of the following magazines : Time ; People; Sports Illustrated; National Geographic, Reader's Digest, Smithsonian, New Yorker, Baltimore Magazine and travel magazines. These items may be placed in the bin marked 'Seafarers'. Because lower brick will be open for drop off and pick up of auction items this weekend, the bins will also be available during those times for donations. Please have your donations in by Monday, November 30th. Thank you for your attention to this important community outreach.

For anyone who has suggestions about ways to help the community, would like to get involved, or if you need any assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

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