A Wonderful Advent Quiet Day
Advent Quiet Day, a Christ Church tradition, was held in its traditional location, historic Old Brick, earlier this month. On a beautiful Saturday morning, we gathered as Rev. Kirk Kubicek, long-time friend of Christ Church, led us in prayer, reflection, and song. Thank you, Fr. Kirk, for leading us, and thank you to Ellen Hoke and the Spiritual Life Commission for coordinating another fantastic event that brings us all together.
The next SLC event is the release of our annual Lenten Meditation Book in early March, so start thinking about what you want to include this year! Our theme for 2025 is "Reaching Out in Faith," which is inspired by Mark 5:30. Send yours to slc@christchurchcolumbia.org any time (put "LMB" in the subject line)!
#ReachingOutInFaith #episcomd #JesusIsTheReasonForEverySeason #hocomd #ChristEpiscopalChurch #adventinspiration #adventseason #tistheseasonÂ