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Advent Quiet Day - A Restorative Start to the Season
Everyone is encouraged to join us for Advent Quiet Day on Saturday morning, December 7th. This important Christ Church tradition,...

Thoughts from a Parishioner
May our thoughts and praise glorify the Lord in this time. In Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, verses 19-25, we heard these words: ...

An Election Day Prayer
Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of...

In Praise of Peace - Sunday Evening in New Brick
Taizé: In Praise of Peace - a service of unity and healing November 3 at 6 p.m. in New Brick Next Sunday - November 3, the Sunday before...

Easter Sunday at Christ Church
EASTER SUNDAY AT CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH March 31, 2024 8, 9, and 11 a.m. On Sunday, we reach Easter Day – a day of joy, celebration, and...

Holy Saturday at Christ Church - 7 p.m. in New Brick
Holy Saturday March 30 at 7:00 p.m. in New Brick Easter Vigil and Eucharist, The Lighting of the New Fire, Confirmation, Reception, and...

Lenten Meditation : Good Friday
Christ’s Road to Calvary Gets Heavier Every year, The weight Of our Sins Settling On His shoulders. But, As His Heart Always Swells To...

Good Friday Services at Christ Church
Good Friday Friday, March 29 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. Veneration of the Cross and Eucharist in New Brick Christians throughout the world...

Lenten Meditation : Maundy Thursday
My Most Precious Lord Jesus, this night You gathered with Your Apostles to share with them Your last meal. But this was no ordinary...

Tenebrae - Wednesday Evening
As Jesus draws ever closer to the events of Good Friday, the church readies itself by reading the service of Tenebrae, taken from the...

Lenten Meditation : Lessons Learned

Lenten Meditation : Joy
Let all who take refuge in you rejoice, Let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, So that those who love your name...

Holy Week at Christ Episcopal Church
Holy Week is the most sacred period of our Christian faith. This is when the foundational story of Christianity – Jesus’ suffering,...

Meditations on the Passion - Sunday Evening
This Sunday evening, Christ Church presents Meditations on the Passion, a special service of poems, readings, dance (with our Lumen...

Collect, Readings, Sermon, and Livestream for March 24, 2024
Palm Sunday 8:00 Holy Eucharist in Old Brick 9:00 Children and Family Worship in New Brick 10:30 Holy Eucharist with music and choir in...

Lenten Meditation : Bring Joy
“Be a Joyful Gift to Others” Romans 12:6-8 and 2 Corinthians 9:7 All of us desire to bring happiness to others, especially our family,...

Lenten Meditation : Be a Joyful Gift to Others
My first thoughts about “being a joyful gift to others” were: “It’s too hard to be cheery all the time!” “I’ve got too much on my mind!”...

Lenten Meditation : We are Called to Care and Love
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said: "Jesus didn't start an institution, He started a movement. The same movement as Abraham and Sarah....

Lenten Meditation : Consecrating the Chaos
Dr. Otis Moss III considers difficulties we face as individuals and in community: A true crisis—a threat to yourself or someone you...

Lenten Meditation : Being a Joy to Others
These are excerpts from a January 7 New York Times column by David French (“A Terrible Phone Call and What Came Next”), describing what...
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