Vacation Bible School - this Summer

Making Summer Plans?
Be Sure to Include Vacation Bible School!
Vacation Bible School takes place from June 26 - July 2, and gathers each day from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. At VBS, children will enjoy a week of Bible stories, music, science, crafts, games, and friends! Snacks and refreshments are served daily. After the 10:30 a.m. service on July 2nd, we'll have a wonderful celebration with ice cream and snacks for all participants.
VBS is open to all children ages 3 (must be potty-trained) through 5th grade, and you can register your child(ren) at any time by completing our VBS registration form at The cost is $30 per child or $70 per family, and you can process the payment on Realm. Scholarships are available for those in need.
Volunteers are also needed, so come and have fun with us! Email us if you're interested in registering your child, want to help with the program, or if you have any questions about the registration process.
See you this summer!