The Season of Lent at Christ Church
Lent is a season of intentional discipleship under Christ and with Christ. We also practice Lent to bond more closely with fellow Christians who are on the same journey, not only in our local parish but also around the nation and throughout the world. Along the way, our sin and enslaving habits are put to death, and we learn to internalize and share in Christ’s resurrection power. The most important reason to practice Lent is to draw near to Jesus Christ.

The services, programs, and gatherings at Christ Church throughout the season of Lent are rich in traditions and liturgical rites. We will also examine Lent as it relates to our parish theme for 2020: "Arise, for the task is yours... Take courage and do it." We invite all of you to join us for these activities and worship opportunities, as we unite to enrich our Lenten experience in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.
You can find our Lenten season schedule on our website's Lent at Christ Church page. If you have any questions or need further details, reach out to us using the contact information at the bottom of this page.