The Flea Market is Coming! Join Us this Saturday, September 17th

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
There are still a few spaces available, but they are going fast!
If you would like to rent a space for your flea market sales, please send an email to and we will send you the registration form and information you need. You can also use Realm to pay for your space by using a credit or debit card. You can use this link to get to it: You can also pay by cash or check, as in years past. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at the WOCC email address above.

Attention All Bakers:
Yummy Goodies are Needed for the Flea Market Bake Table!
We need cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, breads, rolls, gluten-free, dairy-free.... ALL sorts of baked goods are needed! We will need your delicious contributions by 8:00 a.m. this Saturday, 9/17, or you can email us at to make arrangements to deliver them the day before. Our Flea Market attendees are always hungry for baked goods! Send an email to tell us about your baked donation:

The White Elephant Table Needs Your Contributions!
Here’s your opportunity to pass on those special items you don’t need anymore, to others who are looking for something just like that! And it’s for a great cause - all the proceeds from the White Elephant Table will go to our Afghan Refugee Ministry.
Here’s how to contribute:
- Donated items can be dropped off during the week of September 12-16 (M-F) during Christ Church Office Hours (10:00 - 3:00). Just buzz Aisha, and she will tell you where to put them in Old Brick.
- All items should have a sticker or tag attached showing the price you are suggesting. Remember, this is a fundraiser, so don’t be shy.
- All items should be clean and in good repair/user-ready.
- Please consider the size and weight of your contributions - no extra heavy items or large furniture.

We Want Your Books!
Here’s your opportunity to unload all those books you read during the pandemic, and pick up some new ones for cheap! We are looking for all kinds of books, including children’s books. You can drop off your books at the Christ Church parish hall during normal office hours, the week of September 12-16 (M-F, 10:00-3:00). Just buzz to get in, and follow the signs downstairs in the parish hall.

We Need Your Help!
This is a big undertaking, and we need help to make it run smoothly. We especially need people to help with parking and traffic flow, set-up and manning of the grilling and food station, and clean-up afterward. We have sign-up sheets in the Narthex, or you can volunteer via email at, so please consider helping us out. The Flea Market is the biggest fundraiser for the Women of Christ Church, and all the proceeds are used for the Church.