Social Media Sunday 2019 - September 29th
When it comes to social media, we aren't called to make a name for ourselves. We're called to make God's name great. Let's all do it tomorrow, on Social Media Sunday.
Bring your phone to Christ Church tomorrow... whether it's by post, or tweet, or 'gram pic, share your worship and faith with others. And bring your tablet! You can follow along digitally by downloading our Sunday services bulletin here.

Social Media Sunday was born in the Episcopal Church in 2013, but it has grown into an ecumenical event for all who use social media platforms to share their faith and the Good News. A growing number of congregations have been participating since 2014. Social Media Sunday is the day set aside for Christians everywhere to use digital devices intentionally to share their life of faith with the world. This annual event gives faith communities an opportunity to consider how to reach out online, digitally welcome people, and share their stories. @ChristEpChurch @EpiscopalMaryland
If you would like more information on how to positively incorporate social media into your life, email us at, sign up for our newsletters and correspondence here, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.