See "Jersey Boys" at Toby's - Friday, July 12

Sign Up for Toby’s Dinner Theater!
We are going to see the “Jersey Boys” at Toby’s Dinner Theater on Friday, July 12th at 6:00 p.m. Friends and families are all welcome to join in the fun, food, and music. The finalday to sign up and pay is Sunday, June 12th, so speak to any WOCC member, email or sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.
Tickets are a discounted $75. per adult and $72.50 per child, and you can pay via Realm (choose "WOCC" from the FUND dropdown menu and write "Toby's" in the MEMO line. You can also make a check out to Christ Episcopal Church (and write "WOCC Toby’s" in the MEMO line).
See you there!