One Service this Pentecost Sunday, with a Potluck Lunch and Anniversary Celebration

Pentecost is the birthday of the Church, and for us at Christ Episcopal Church, it is an exceptionally marvelous day, one worthy of celebration. It’s time for our annual celebration of God’s universal love displayed through His diversity of many tongues and cultures, reflected in food and dress. Our annual Pentecost Day tradition continues this Sunday as we gather in the New Brick Sanctuary for only one service at 10:00 a.m. and then follow it up with a potluck lunch and fellowship.

Pentecost is also an International Day for our parish family, so during this service we'll get to hear the Gospel read in several different languages, and all parishioners are encouraged to wear clothing that helps reflect your upbringing and traditions.

We have another special occasion at this gathering - celebrating our own Father Manny's first 25 years in ministry! Join us for a wonderful day of worship, food, and fun. There is an online signup form at so please bring a dish to share and help us celebrate a very special milestone.
See you at church!