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Our Wednesday Evening Lenten Series Begins Tonight



Tonight, March 9th

Supper at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Hall

Presentation at approximately 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary

The Spiritual Life Commission invites everyone to take part in the return of our annual Wednesday Evening Lenten Supper Series, meeting in the Great Hall of New Brick at 6:30 p.m. We'll host a different cuisine each week, and this first gathering will be Italian food. There is no cost for this evening, but if you would like to donate to help cover the catered dinner expenses, you can choose "Spiritual Life Commission" from the Fund dropdown menu on our online giving form, or bring your donation to the event. If you want to join us in person, please RSVP here or notify the Church Office by email or phone so we have an idea of how much food to purchase.

This popular series centers on our 2022 theme, Be One Body in Christ, Belonging to Each Other, and every week we'll host a different presenter who gives their perspective on this theme. For our first evening, March 9th, we are blessed to have The Rt. Rev. Robert Ihloff, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Maryland. After we share supper in the Great Hall, we'll make our way up to the Sanctuary for his presentation. Following this will be a brief Eucharist to close the evening.

This series is a hybrid event so for those who prefer to join us virtually, you are welcome to do so. We plan on broadcasting the Sanctuary portion of the gathering on YouTube.

We look forward to having you join us.


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