Our Thanksgiving Food Drive Ends Today
Kudos to All Who Have Helped Hungry Households by Donating to Our Thanksgiving Food Drive for the Howard County Food Bank. If you have something you'd like to donate, it's not too late - simply drop your donations into the yellow bin located between Old Brick and the office any time today. The drive ends today, November 16th, and tomorrow there are members of the Outreach Commission who will deliver the bounty.
The table in the Narthex and the yellow bin near Old Brick were both brimming with goods such as stuffing mix, gravy, and canned vegetables this past weekend. These items will brighten the holidays for many of our neighbors, as the Howard County Food Bank expects to feed about 1,000 people for Thanksgiving and another 1,000 for Christmas by distributing "Holiday Meal Kits."
Christ Church partners with the Community Action Council of Howard County (CAC), which operates the food bank. We further supported CAC with a monetary donation for its holiday meal kits.
Thank you for your generosity!