Old Friends, Renewed Vows.

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
The Third week in Lent began with our three Sunday services, which included a renewal of marriage vows for the Lookingbills during the 9 a.m. Children and Family Worship.
Deacon Denise then led our Lenten Taizé Vespers that evening, with a beautiful homily by Leah Chrest, poetry by Pam Pruitt, and music led by Larissa Sanders, Catherine Hinton, and Yashauna Swan.
Then midweek, our beloved Rector Emeritus, Reverend Richard Ginnever, visited Christ Church and led us at the Wednesday Lenten Supper Series - we had to add several extra tables for people to sit at, the place was so packed!
All of these gatherings represent a parish family that's continually growing and thriving. And when you add all of the other in-person and virtual get-togethers - whether it's Centering Prayer, Youth Group, Bible Study, the Christ Church Choirs, WOCC and MOCC, Confirmation classes, Book Club, EFM, or any of the many, many other groups and gatherings - they all come together to create a wonderful common life for all of us.
Thank you for being a part of it.