October LEMS Committee Update

On October 8, the Lake Elkhorn Middle School Committee at Christ Church made their second coordinated contribution to the LEMS Weekend Food Program! We plan to continue to provide food for ten families once a month throughout the fall semester, though as with everything, we may need to adjust to changing circumstances and needs. During remote learning purchasing, bagging, and delivery is being handled a bit differently than normal, including strict safety precautions. When both LEMS and Christ Church resume normal operations, we look forward to any interested volunteers helping out. In addition to the Weekend Food Program, this month the LEMS committee is using funds contributed by Christ Church parishioners to purchase 250 additional headphones for LEMS students, to be distributed by the school. The teachers and staff have identified that headphones with microphones are a tremendous help to the students as they continue to attend school using Chromebooks.

If you have any questions, please contact lemspc@christchurchcolumbia.org. Donations can be made towards future LEMS support online using Realm and listing LEMS in the memo line.