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Lenten Meditation: You are the Light of the World

You are the Light of the World Once in the night But brought into the light; Once dead but made alive; Once in the darkness But brought into His brightness. You are the light of the world; Enlightened and illuminated by the Light- The Way, the Truth and the Life; Made the hands and feet of the Most High; Made His Voice in the wilderness; His emissary, His Ambassador. You are the light of the world A City on a Hill; Called to call others who sit in darkness; Called to point others to the cross; Called to shine in the darkness; Called to be co-workers with God; Called to lay down your life for others; Called to be a bridge for others to cross to God; Called to carry your cross and die on it. You are the light of the world; A citizen of heaven; Redeemed from the curse of the law; Blood-bought, blood-kept Rescued from the snare of Satan; Washed, sanctified, set aside for the Master’s use; A vessel of honour, a masterpiece,. created for good works; Created to leave a legacy for eternity, Created to give praise honour and glory to your Maker. You are the light of the world Created to be a heavenly deposit on earth Called to produce a mammoth yield; Called to result in a great dividend; Born to be a breath of fresh air; Born to blossom like a flower, Unfurling and unfolding your beauty daily; Oozing your fragrance everywhere; Wafting songs, making melodious music. You are the light of the world Called to be full of the word Delighting in the word Armed with the word Saturated with the word Adorned with the word Directed, counselled by the word Fuelled and propelled by the word Feeding frequently on the word. You are the light of the world Shine in the darkness Giving glory to the God of Glory.

by Fenny West


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