Lake Elkhorn has the Supplies They Need - Thanks to You!
Another summer is coming to a close, and that means another delivery of school supplies to Lake Elkhorn Middle School - but none of this is possible without your support. The LEMS Committee would like to thank the many people who helped sort, organize, pack, and drive the much-needed supplies to Lake Elkhorn. We'd like to give our thanks for the contributions that made it all possible.
Last week, we had a dozen or so volunteers who made packing go quite quickly. There were seven volunteers who put the supplies into three cars, getting them ready for delivery. Principal Wallace then met us at the school and we moved everything in. In all, there were 50 canvas bags of supplies and enough extra supplies for 75 students. Principal Wallace was very grateful, and we'll meet with him soon to see how we can help during the school year.
To help in the future, please email