Join Us for the WOCC Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 4th

The Women of Christ Church's Annual Christmas Luncheon will be held on Sunday, December 4th at 1:00 p.m. at King’s Contrivance Restaurant in Columbia. It will be so wonderful to be able to gather in person again after so long, and we’re hoping that you’ll all join us for this celebration!
The meal includes a 3-course meal, sides, bread, non-alcoholic beverages, and gratuities, and the total cost is $45. You can sign up now through Sunday, November 27th, in both Old Brick (at the back) and New Brick (in the Narthex) or email us at if you are worshipping remotely on Sundays.
You can pay by check, or by using Realm. If paying by check, please make it out to Christ Church, with WOCC Christmas Luncheon written in the memo line. If you are paying by Realm, please use the usual Online Giving Form, select "Women of Christ Church" from the FUND dropdown menu, and write “Christmas Luncheon” in the MEMO line. If you have any questions, please speak with Rhonda Tomlinson, or email us.