Join Us for a New Series - Saturday, March 6th
Nurturing the Light Within
with the Rev. Dr. Jill Snodgrass
March 6th and 13th at 11:00 a.m. on Zoom
Join us for an hour on consecutive Saturdays - March 6th and 13th - for a guided discussion on self-care and spiritual care practices that foster health and wellness during this time of continuing isolation and turmoil. The Reverend Dr. Jill Snodgrass, professor of theology at Loyola University, a pastoral counselor and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, and Clinical Director of Spiritual Support at GBMC hospital, will lead us in exploring ways to nurture and care for ourselves spiritually and emotionally during dark times, including strategies for managing stress and anxiety in our lives.
We emailed the Zoom link earlier this week, but if you would like us to send it to you directly, let us know - email