Join the Christ Church Vestry
The deadline to file for nomination to the Christ Church Vestry is next Sunday, so please consider it this week. As of today, the following candidates are approved for election during the Annual Meeting this October. They are (in alphabetical order): Ed Chrzanowski, Sara Kirkpatrick, Isaac (Gbenga) Olajide, Kathy Simms, and George Toth. More information about these candidates will be published soon.
But there's still some time to submit nominations.
This year, there are four (4) slots open for election, and if you are a baptized Christian who is 16 years or older and are a giving member of record at Christ Episcopal Church, you are qualified to become a candidate. Additional candidates can be accepted by submitting a document containing at least ten (10) parishioner signatures. This must be delivered to the church office or given to one of the Wardens, Jan or Isaac, by NEXT SUNDAY, September 22nd, at 5:00 p.m. The election will be held at Christ Church's Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for Sunday, October 20th (there's only one service that day, at 10:00 a.m.).
Sincere thanks to our Nominations Committee - Steve Alpern, Sonni Aribiah, JB Hanson, and Sara Kirkpatrick - for all their work. If you have any questions, please email