Happy New Year!

There are solar new years, Asian lunar new years, the liturgical calendar new year, Muslim new year, and a new year for every culture and tradition. And yes, it’s a new program year for all of us at Christ Church, and I pray it’s a good one!
The Youth Ministry of Christ Church is excited to welcome our youth back! We have a wealth of events coming up, including two Youth Sundays, and something for every season of the Church calendar.
Some of the things I want to bring your attention to are the fundraisers, pilgrimage, confirmation, and outreach. We hope to provide services that our community needs - babysitting (while parents go on date night!), car washes, media/tech usage instructions, wreath making, flower sales, and more. The proceeds from these will fund our youth group activities - AKA fun times! (“Work before play,” as I like to say.)
Pilgrimage is the visitation of holy sites - places for worship of and encounter with God. These are places set apart for the purpose of creating an environment where one can be still, experience God’s holiness, and delve quietly into the spiritual side of things. I have experienced God in a special way at Jesus Abbey in the mountains of South Korea. It is my hope that our youth will deepen their relationship with God through pilgrimage.
Confirmation classes will be offered starting in the fall, and we will go through some major theological and ecclesiastical themes. Then, those who were baptized at an early age will decide if they wish to publicly confirm their faith in God, renew their baptismal vows, and embark on to the Royal Priesthood that Jesus invites His followers to pursue.
Outreach literally means this - reaching out to those in need outside the boundaries of our parish. We want to care for those who are housing- or food-insecure. We will raise money through Souper-Bowl next February, and volunteer at Sleep In Heavenly Peace, an organization that builds and provides beds to children without one. The Maryland DreamBuilders already have plans to return to Hazard, Kentucky to continue to rebuild homes for flood victims next summer, and are in search for local projects our middle schoolers can participate in.
We hope to have participation from our youth along with the support from their parents and prayers from every parishioner at Christ Church. We invite you to come and give talks about your profession or how you care for this world and God’s people. It takes more than a village - it takes a loving and caring community of Christ-followers for our youth to be led to Christ and know His love. Please support us in every way you can.
Thank you and God bless you.
Chaplain Kiona Lookingbill