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#GIVING TUESDAY - November 29, 2022

Giving Tuesday is a global call to radical generosity that invites us to give to a charity of choice. Christ Church is inviting you to be radically generous with your kind support for our always-growing Music Ministry. With a simple click on our Online Giving Form, you can select "Music Ministry" from the dropdown menu. Every gesture - no matter what size - will help us deepen and strengthen our parish and community.

Music is such an important part of our worship experience. It can uplift us, comfort us, and help us to pray and praise God. At Christ Church, we are blessed to have many musically gifted members who share their time and talents with us. For some services, though - especially those around Advent and Christmas - we hire professional musicians to enhance our services and highlight this special season. These professionals are paid for their services, taking into consideration their travel time, practice time, instrument upkeep, and musical training.

When our choir was unable to sing in person together, some of our members were still able to make music together using handbells. These instruments are beautiful and can add so much to the service. We do not own a set of these instruments currently. In order to properly play the handbells, we would require folding tables, pads, cleaning cloths, gloves, and, of course, the bells themselves. The total cost for a 2-octave set of bells (24 bells) is over $8,000. This would be a large purchase, but one that we could enjoy listening to and playing for many, many years. I have used handbells in other churches before and with people of all ages; children and adults alike enjoy playing them and can become more involved in music-making during our services.

Please consider a donation to the Christ Church Music Ministry on Giving Tuesday this year and help us continue to make a joyful noise. And if you have any questions, please reach out to Larissa on Sunday morning at church, or you can email her.

Thank you so much - we are incredibly grateful for your generous and giving spirit.


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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