Fostering a Reign of Peace

How easy it is to get wrapped up
In our own little universe
The cocoon of the daily grind
Of going about our business
Trying to protect our turf
'Cause we're more fragile than we let on
We live in fear that aggressors surround us
Propelling us to not forget and not forgive
Yet when we step back and
Focus on the meaning of our life
On the direction we want to take
And the legacy we'll leave behind
We do want to be kinder and
Contribute to a better world
Not just for us but for mankind
And in the end we'll face our Maker
Standing alone solely accountable
For our deeds and misdeeds
Responsible for our own journey
For how we cultivated our heart
And the goodwill we did impart
When tallied will we have done enough
Or will we be asking for forgiveness
For barely missing a passing grade
With this in mind and while it's not too late
Let's take stock of what's in our heart
All start practicing forgiveness,
And letting go of the past as we realize
To forgive is to set ourselves free.
~James Edward Lee, Sr.