Our "Conversations on Race" Series Begins This Wednesday
a multi-week discussion series begins this Wednesday, July 29th at 7:30 p.m.

The past several months have seen an uptick in the racial tensions within our country, and within the world. As a community of faith - and more than that, a very diverse community of faith - our task in dealing with issues of and about race will be to tell our individual and communal stories with the ultimate goal of seeking healing, reconciliation, and deeper community building within our church and beyond. We have an emerging ministry within our church, a ministry with the sole mission of leading us on the paths of racial reconciliation.
This ministry's offering will be comprised of seminars, workshops, and book discussions, among others. We are thankful that The Reverend Canon Christine McCloud, Canon for Mission of the Diocese of Maryland, has offered to lead the first two online seminars. Our first session takes place on July 29th, and the second occurs one week later on August 5th - both at 7:30 p.m. Upcoming gathering dates will be announced on our website and social media pages.
If you would like to join us for this Zoom discussion series, sign up for our weekly Gatherings email by emailing us at info@christchurchcolumbia.org and you'll then receive the links in an email each week, as well as details about Christ Church's other in-person and virtual gatherings and services.