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Christ Church Participates in a Baltimore Harbor Cruise to Help Seafarers

Five parishioners explored the working Port of Baltimore from the water during a late afternoon cruise on Wednesday, April 26th. The annual excursion was a fundraiser to aid the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center (BISC).

The center is among the ministries in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. It is also one of the causes supported by the Women of Christ Church, which collect winter woolens, calendars, and other comforts for mariners each fall. During the cruise on the waters of Baltimore Harbor, Christ Church was represented by Diane Phillips LaGuerre, Shahra and George Toth, and Paula and Chuck Rees.

BISC provides spiritual care and hospitality to members of a ship’s crew who are working far from their homes and loved ones. For months at a time, crews from around the world transport goods on giant container ships. Cruise passengers got a view of the Charade, one of the ships whose crew is assisted by BISC, along with the giant cranes used to unload cargo. Passengers could also see Port of Baltimore landmarks such as the historic lighthouse, Seven Foot Knoll.


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