Christ Church Outreach News: June 6, 2024

Inviting You to Join Our Monthly Outreach Meeting this Monday, June 10
Learn many ways to help others by joining us remotely for the Outreach Commission meeting on Monday, June 10th, at 7:30 p.m. Our mission has a local, national, and international scope. Look for Church notices about online activities. See you on Zoom!

Last Call: Somos Amigos Holds a “FUNdraiser” this Sunday
Enjoy a carnival-themed afternoon of fun in Northern Virginia, where Somos Amigos Medical Missions will hold a “FUNdraiser” on Sunday, June 9, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Sylvanside Farm,19606 Telegraph Springs Rd., Purcellville, Va., 20132.
Former Christ Church parishioners Mary and Ed Keath plan to travel from their home in Oregon to attend and show their support for the ways in which Somos Amigos provides care in the Dominican Republic. The event will celebrate 25 years of Somos Amigos’ medical and dental care while raising funds as the nonprofit organization looks forward.
Tickets are $45 each or four for $110. You can order tickets up until June 9. Enjoy games, snacks, beer, wine, hot dogs and hamburgers by Smokin Willy BBQ. Live music is by Spencer Bates of Georgetown Piano Bar. See the Clydesdale horses, scenic views, and restored barns of Sylvanside Farm, which dates to 1744. A live auction that starts at 4:15 p.m. will feature the chance to bid on two VIP tickets and backstage passes to meet Stephen Colbert and see a live taping of The Late Show. Colbert affirms his longtime support of Somos Amigos in a video on Vimeo.
The auction also offers a chance to “Dunk Frank in the Dunk Tank.” Founder and Executive Director Frank Brightwell is well known to Somos Amigos volunteers Dione and Jim Mahoney, Shahra Toth, Dr. Preethi Jackson and Dr. Ellen Boudreau Hoke and for his visits to Christ Church. View his most recent sermon in the Collect, Readings, Sermon and Livestream of Feb. 25, 2024 at 28:28 minutes into the video. See photos and learn more about the clinic in the Outreach Blog of Feb. 22, 2024.

Join us for the 20th Anniversary MatzohBall 5k - This Sunday
Temple Isaiah’s 20th Annual 5K Run & 1-Mile Family Fun Run is Sunday, June 9th at 9:00 a.m. Proceeds benefit Christ Church-supported groups such as DreamBuilders, Grassroots, and Hopeworks to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable communities in need of support.
This family event is for runners AND walkers! Both the 5K race and the 1-mile fun run/walk courses follow the paved foot paths around the lake at beautiful Centennial Park, located off Route 108 in Ellicott City, Maryland. The race starts and finishes near Pavilions A, B & C (south entrance). After the race, you’re welcome to stay at the park and attend Family Wellness Day. The MatzohBall Run website has race information, sponsorship forms, and sign-ups.

Help the Homeless on Monday, June 10, by Preparing a Dish for Grassroots’ Live-In Facility or Serving a Meal at Its Day Resource Center
On the second Monday of each month, Christ Church provides a hot midday meal for the homeless at the Day Resource Center (DRC) and drops off dinner at a live-in shelter for 50 residents. Both are operated by the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. We last participated on May 13.
A team led by parishioner Shahra Toth makes side dishes and desserts that we serve in person at the DRC. To join us on Monday, June 10, please sign up by Sunday, June 9. If you wish to volunteer or bring food for the midday meal, our DRC online signup form describes the procedure. Drop-off time is 12:45 p.m. in the Christ Church parking lot near Old Brick for DRC’s food, drinks, and supplemental items such as fruit and granola bars. In-person volunteers gather at that time to car-pool to Jessup.
Later, parishioners who cook or shop for the evening meal at Grassroots’ Live-In Facility arrive in the Old Brick parking lot between 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. Get details in our Grassroots online signup form. Grassroots staff serves the evening meal at its Freetown Road facility. It’s efficient to provide for both venues on the same day. Your donations and Vestry-approved funds pay for the fried-chicken entrees. Thank you!
Buy DreamBuilders Goods On the Next Two Sundays In Time for Father’s Day
Look for goods on sale to benefit DreamBuilders after both services on Sunday, June 9 and Sunday, June 16. It’s first-come-first serve for the remaining chocolates after high demand during a recent restaurant fundraiser. But we’ll have plenty of fair-trade coffee and tea at our table in the Narthex. Buy a treat for Dad and help a good cause! A multigenerational team will build three homes in flood-damaged Hazard, Ky. Christ Church will be represented by Director of Youth & Family Ministries Kiona Lookingbill and Jasmine and Alex Opiri during the Kentucky trip from June 16 to June 22.

Columbia Community Care Needs Diapers and Other Baby-Care Items
Columbia Community Care (CCC) requests baby-care items and diapers, especially sizes 4-6 and pullups in sizes 3T, 4T and 5T. Put these along with sanitary and personal care items and adult diapers in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall. Drop off items on weekdays when the church office is open or on Sundays. The Christ Church point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers items.
Those who need groceries and other necessities can find information by going online to “Get Help” on CCC’s website. Or learn how to volunteer at distribution sites or as a translator or shopper at its pantry. Find updates on the CCC Facebook Group.

Look for the FISH Bin on the Breezeway near the Parish Hall
FISH of Howard County requests non-perishable foods and toiletries, which we collect in the basket at the altar or in a marked yellow bin on the breezeway between the Parish Hall and Old Brick. FISH provides committed support to select families in need. The neighbors you help give thanks for all you do in their support.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.