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Christ Church Outreach News: January 23, 2025

Episcopal Relief and Development Shares Updates, Sends Thanks for Wildfires Disaster Aid

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) has expressed gratitude for the $1,000 donation that Church Church sent in the aftermath of California wildfires, as described in the Outreach Blog of Jan. 16, 2025.


In its email and in a more detailed statement posted on Jan. 16, ERD said it has been able to immediately help service industry workers. Some cannot get to their jobs because of continuing danger, while many lost livelihoods as workplaces were destroyed by fires that broke out on Jan. 7.

“In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, the Diocese of Los Angeles is providing gift cards and cash deposits through electronic apps to people in need. The financial assistance will be disbursed through churches throughout the Diocese that are serving as emergency shelters, charging stations and respite centers.”


“We walk alongside wildfire survivors,” said ERD in its email, describing “how your generosity supports people impacted.” The Christ Church contribution was drawn from Vestry-approved funds derived from your pledges and contributions. Thank you!


“Your generosity reminds me that from the ashes, compassion always emerges,” wrote Robert W. Radtke, president and CEO of ERD, who urged supporters to share a link to its Wildfire Response Fund with friends and family.


ERD also urged parishioners to pray for people who have been harmed. Go to its Wildfire Prayer Experience page so that when you pray, you can press a link to be in solidarity with others doing the same. There are prayers for first responders, those who have died, those who are suffering losses, and those who minister to others, such as Episcopal Priest Liz Piraino (pictured above).


Grow Your Own! CCC Tells Supporters about a 12-Month Garden Workshop Series 

Columbia Community Care (CCC) partners with the Community Ecology Institute, which last year grew produce in raised garden beds at CCC’s former pantry site. This year the institute is holding a series of 12 workshops, “Nourishing Gardens Through the Seasons,” that CCC recommends to its supporters in a post on the CCC Facebook Group. The cost is $179 per person, which amounts to less than $15 for each workshop. The first workshop will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the institute’s Freetown Farm, 8000 Harriet Tubman Lane, Columbia, MD 21044. Participants must be 18 or older and register ahead of time for the entire series at once.


The Institute recently was among 50 nonprofit organizations awarded grants by the Community Foundation of Howard County. A grant of $5,000 will benefit Freetown Farm and “programs focusing on and benefiting the environment, education, equity, and health in Howard County.” A recent announcement by the foundation listed several recipients, such as Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, that are also supported by Christ Church.


On behalf of Columbia Community Care, parishioners may go to "Volunteer Opportunities" if seeking to help at CCC’s distribution sites or at its pantry, located in the Long Reach Village Center. Those who need help should go to “Get Help” on CCC’s website.


Please keep collecting diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items, and adult diapers. Put them in the yellow bin marked “CCC” inside the Parish Hall. Our point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers its contents.


FISH Asks for Volunteers As Well as Groceries and Toiletries in its Bin and Basket 

FISH of Howard County is calling for new volunteers. If you are interested, ask parishioner Andy DeLong, who is FISH treasurer and a newly-elected board member of the nonprofit, which provides committed support to Howard County residents.

Please continue to put non-perishable foods and toiletries in the FISH basket at the altar or in the marked yellow bin on the breezeway between Old Brick and Parish Hall. The neighbors you help are grateful for all you do in their support.


LEMS Kindness Pantry for February

Thank you so much for your contributions to the January Kindness Pantry at LEMS. Over 35 families attended and we expect there will be even more in February as the "word is getting out." You can sign up using the Sign Up Genius link here, and can place your items in the blue bin in the narthex in New Brick. Thank you for being God's hands and feet in this world!


Sutton Scholars Fundraiser at TopGolf - February 20

Join the Board of Sutton Scholars for a fundraiser partnering with TopGolf in Baltimore. The Sutton Scholars High School Enrichment Program helps Baltimore City high school students become confident, competent, and capable contributors to their communities by equipping them with the life skills that are essential for academic, workplace, and personal success. Whether you are a golf aficionado or want to have a fun night out with friends, we invite you to gather at TopGolf on Thursday, February 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Learn more here.

In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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