Christ Church Outreach News: December 7, 2023

SLYC Invites Christ Church to its Christmas Cafe on Saturday, Dec. 9
Please consider attending the “Christmas Cafe” to be held by St. Luke’s Youth Center (SLYC) from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 9. The location is the Church of the Good Shepherd, 1401 Carrollton Ave., Towson, MD 21204. If you’re interested in a possible carpool, please email
The annual celebration includes food, music, and a chance to meet and interact with SLYC children, parents, and volunteers. SLYC is a collaborative of West Baltimore families who together provide youth with critical resources, life-enriching experiences, and a safety-net of support. Read about results in SLYC’s Fiscal 2023 Impact Report.
The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland is a partner, and its reparations task force awarded a grant to SYLC in 2022. Christ Church supports SLYC monetarily, as described in the June 15, 2023 Outreach Blog. SLYC Executive Director Amanda Gardner Talbot delivered the Aug. 7 sermon last year during a SLYC group’s visit to Christ Church.

Inviting You to Remotely the Monthly Outreach Meeting on Monday, Dec. 11
Learn many ways to help others by joining us remotely for the Outreach Commission meeting on Monday, Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Our mission has a local, national, and international scope. Look for Church notices about online activities. See you on Zoom!
Angel Tree Gifts Due by Dec. 8 to Grant a Dozen Childrens’ Wishes
Parishioners rapidly filled up the list for our annual Angel Tree tradition, buying gifts to brighten Christmas for a dozen children aided by the Howard County (Central Maryland) division of The Salvation Army. To view choices and find instructions, see the Christ Church 2023 Angel Tree SignUp. The deadline to bring unwrapped gifts is 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8. Please put these in the Parish Hall Operations Room. Thank you!

Christ Church Extends Extra Help to the Homeless at Grassroots’ DRC in Jessup, Where You Can Help Prepare or Serve a Meal on Monday, Dec. 11
Our homeless friends depend on the Day Resource Center (DRC) for more than its tasty meals. Once more, staff members called on Christ Church to help replenish resources at the DRC, which is operated by the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center.
Responding to the latest need, Outreach member Dione Mahoney bought 357 pairs of men’s and women’s underwear, ordering from a wholesaler and shopping at Walmart. The items cost $504. Funds came from parishioners who donate through the church and mark their contributions to “General Outreach” or specifically to the DRC, which is located at the Leola Dorsey Community Resource Center. Thanks to one and all!

Next up is our turn to provide DRC’s hot midday meal on the second Monday of each month. To join us on Monday, Dec. 11, please sign up by Sunday, Dec. 10. If you wish to volunteer or bring food for the midday meal, our DRC online signup form describes the procedure. We most recently took part on Oct. 9 (see photos).
The drop-off time for side dishes, desserts, and fruit is 12:45 p.m. in the Christ Church parking lot near Old Brick. In-person volunteers are gathering at that time to car-pool to Jessup. Later, parishioners who cook or shop for the evening meal for 50 residents of Grassroots’ Live-In Facility on Freetown Rd. arrive in the Old Brick parking lot between 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. Get details in our Grassroots online signup form.
Grassroots staff serves the evening meal. It’s efficient to provide for both venues on the same day. Your donations and Vestry-approved funds pay for the fried-chicken entrees. Thank you! Grassroots has wider needs for their pantries, now located at three sites. It welcomes in-kind donations to be dropped off for delivery on the second Mondays. Look for its list on church bulletin boards or see “Related Files” on each signup form.

Columbia Community Care Makes Plea for Diapers, Sizes 3-6, and Plans a Holiday Toy and Kids’ Book Giveaway on Saturday, Dec. 16
Columbia Community Care (CCC) has announced holiday activities to help kids and their families, planning a children’s holiday giveaway at Oakland Mills High School at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 16. Check the CCC Facebook Group for updates to find out how to do your part.
Please help CCC replenish its inventory of baby wipes and diapers. “We give out so many every weekend, mostly sizes 3 through 6,” the organization’s pantry manager, April Lee, told Christ Church this week. Put these, along with sanitary and personal care items and adult diapers, in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall. Our point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers its contents.

Please Donate All Kinds of Grocery Non-Perishables and Toiletries to FISH
FISH of Howard County needs non-perishable foods and toiletries. FISH provides committed support to select families in need. Please put donations in the basket at the altar or in the marked yellow bin on the breezeway between Old Brick and Parish Hall. The neighbors you help give thanks for all you do in their support.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.