We Need New Christ Church Vestry Members!

Dear Christ Church Sisters and Brothers,
Ever felt that you would like to make a significant impact on the direction and asperations of our beloved Christ Church? Well, it is that time of year again! Time to decide on a slate of candidates to submit their names for election to the Vestry. Vestry service is rewarding and makes a difference. If you are a voting member of Christ Church (see eligibility qualifications below), you are eligible to submit your name for election to the Vestry. If you meet the qualification, please consider making a contribution of your gift and talent by serving in a leadership position. Vestry service consists of attending a Tuesday evening once each month. Preparation for these meetings require the reading and familiarization with meeting documentation that includes minutes, financial reports and other reports from different officers and ministries. Other obligations may be an assignment as a liaison to one of our many ministries, where you can track and report back to the Vestry when scheduled to do so. These are the minimum requirements, but just to be sure, there are many other opportunities to become involved.
As with normal years there are four Vestry positions opening up due to the regular three year Vestry terms ending for four current members. With four positions opening up, the Vestry nominations committee has a goal of fielding 6 to 8 candidates for the Vestry election at the Annual Meeting in October. If you submit your name to run, we will take your picture to be posted on our website and in the Narthex, and we will ask you to write a biography about your story, how you came to Christ Church or the Episcopal Church in general, what involvement you have had in our church, and why you want to run for Vestry. If you put yourself out there, you need to campaign a bit. The biography is basically your opportunity to do that.
We invite all eligible members to please consider the calling you may feel in your heart to offer your gifts and talents to serve Christ Church. You may please notify the church office at: office@christchurchcolumbia.org or Fr. Manny: revmanny@christchurchcolumbia.org
Here are the qualifications for Vestry service:
Voting Members. Every person who:
is sixteen (16) years of age or older: and
has been a Member of Christ Church and has been regular in worship fòr at least three months preceding the day when he or she may wish to vote; and
is a giver of record, or, if under the age of twenty-one (2 1), is a member of a household which is a giver of record; and
has been baptized, confirmed or received at Christ Church or has transferred his or her baptismal records to Christ Church shall be a Voting Member thereof, with the right to vote in the election of Vestry Members and upon all other matters having to do with the aftäirs of Christ Church.