Today's Annual Meeting and Vestry Elections

Earlier today, the Christ Church parish family gathered for our 2022 Annual Meeting and Vestry Elections. Those joining in person shared a communal brunch in the Great Hall, and then went to the New Brick Sanctuary for the meeting; those at home tuned into YouTube for the livestream (the video is below). Father Manny delivered his annual address, during which clergy, staff, and outgoing Vestry members were given heartfelt thanks for their service over the last year. We also received a report of parish finances from our Treasurer, Drew, and coordinated the quorum and election process in order to fill the three open seats on the Vestry. Perhaps most importantly, we received updates about the many current activities and programs at Christ Church, and got a look towards the plans in development for the future - plans that require the efforts - and serve the needs - of every member of this extraordinary church.