Send Us Your Submissions for the 2022 Christ Church Lenten Meditation Book

For each of the last 19 years, Christ Church has compiled and published a Lenten Meditation Book, which is distributed to parishioners around the weekend preceding Ash Wednesday. It is composed of parishioner submissions that center around that year's Spiritual Life Theme. and assists us all in times of quiet contemplation. The theme for this year is "Be One Body in Christ, Belonging to Each Other" which you can read more about here on our website. The LMB - nearly 80 pages last year - shares these submissions and helps us prepare ourselves for rebirth and renewal at Easter. We also post these Meditations on our website and social media each weekday during Lent and present a special musical selection each weekend. Our website is viewed by our congregation and by many thousands of individuals worldwide during the Lenten season.
The Lenten Meditation Book is a collaborative project made of wonderful prayers, songs, stories, poems, readings, and personal reflections. We invite you all to send us yours - either by name or anonymously - so that we share them with the world. This year, we need to have all of your submissions in by February 13th in order to put this publication together in time. If you'd like to see examples of past years' Lenten Meditations, check them out on our website. Submit yours by email to Ellen Hoke at, or place it in the Spiritual Life mailbox in the Christ Church Office. You can also speak with Ellen on Sunday mornings at church for more information, or to see an example of last year's printed LMB.
This wonderful example of the Christ Church community gathering to share words of comfort and renewal is at its best when everyone contributes, so send yours in soon! Thank you.