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Lenten Meditation: A New Family in Our Community

The word had gone out that our church would sponsor a refugee family. Housing was secured and then the gifts of love and welcome began to come in — even from folks who were not members of our church! The outpouring included the transport of lovingly knitted warm hats, gift cards, furniture, bedding, clothing, kitchenware, and on and on. It was all done in a spirit of good will and the hope that healing could begin from the trauma of what came before. There is much work and more adjustment to come. The path forward is not easy. Yet, in spite of it all, our new family is quietly gifting us with smiles, cups of tea, and lessons about resilience, our shared humanity despite any cultural or faith differences, and the wisdom of Paul’s teaching to the Corinthians, that “there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” May we continue to be sustained by Paul’s other words to the Corinthians:

“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, and the greatest of these is love.”

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