Holy Saturday at Christ Church
Holy Saturday: April 3rd
Easter Vigil with Holy Baptism at 7:30 p.m. in New Brick, and livestreamed on our website, YouTube, and Facebook pages
As the church awaits the glory of the resurrection, Holy Saturday is a day of preparation. As the sun sets, bringing with it the end of the Lenten season, one of the most beautiful services of the entire church year is held. A new fire is lighted & blessed, and with it the Paschal Candle symbolizing Christ.
If you would like to worship in person, please wear a mask at all times and complete the simple attendance form on our website - https://www.christchurchcolumbia.org/attend-holy-week
You can also worship online by watching on one of the three options above. Links to those are at the top of our website.
Tonight's service leaflet is at https://tinyurl.com/CEC-EVservice