Christ Church Outreach News: August 29, 2024
We’re Helping People who Depend upon the Howard County Food Bank and Others Who Struggle in Summer’s Heat to Pay Their Utility Bills
The Outreach Commission at its August meeting took steps to help meet two pressing demands among our disadvantaged neighbors. Christ Church donated $2,000 to the Community Action Council of Howard County, which expressed deep gratitude. These are Vestry-approved funds derived from parishioners’ pledges and contributions.
CAC is using $1,000 to buy milk and eggs for its Howard County Food Bank, which sustains many including Wanda Medina, a widow who lives in Jessup. What a difference that has made for the mother of four, who was the subject this month of a CAC email. “We want you to know some of the challenges your neighbors are facing but with your help can overcome and thrive,” CAC wrote. Watch Medina discussing her challenges on MPT’s State Circle program of Dec. 15, 2023.
CAC is using $1,000 for energy assistance, helping people who need immediate attention in returning their power. The donation arrived before the latest heat wave! Thanks to you, CAC is better able to fulfill its motto: “Helping people, changing lives.”
Outreach Joins in Aiding an Afghan Family that Recently Arrived in Maryland
In the spirit of helping our immediate neighbors – in this case, a three-member Afghan refugee family who in June had just reached safety in the United States, the Outreach Commission approved sending $500 from its vestry-approved budget to New Hope Lutheran Church. New Hope has recently and enthusiastically become part of the Interfaith Refugee Ministry; it plays the lead role in coordinating help, of all kinds, for what is now the ministry’s fourth Afghan refugee family.
This $500 comes from your financial offering to Christ Church, and will go directly toward paying this new family’s housing expenses (for example, rent, utilities). As with each of the Afghan families helped by Christ Church and the Interfaith Refugee Ministry, this family is deeply grateful for our support.
Donate Items to the Flea Market, and Help Support Our Refugee Ministry
Please donate your in-good-condition rummage sale items to the Refugee Ministry table at the September 14th flea market. We’ll take just about anything that’s in good condition (but not clothes and not furniture that won’t fit in a car’s back seat or trunk). If you need us to pick up your items, have any questions, or would like to help (you’ll get first pick!), please email parishioners Paula Rees (, Diana Hall (, or Ann Barnes (, or speak with them at church. Thank you for your support.
Enter a Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 20, to Help Bridges to Housing Stability
Advocating for affordable housing and helping people to keep a roof over their heads is the mission of Bridges to Housing Stability. Golfers can support this good cause on Friday, Sept. 20 during the third annual Sheehy Toyota Bridges for Birdies Golf Tournament at The Timbers of Troy, 6100 Marshalee Dr., Elkridge, MD. The tournament begins with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. and features a full day of golf, food, and awards. The cost for a single golfer is $200, or $800 for a foursome, which covers greens fees, unlimited range balls, food, and beverages.
The event raises crucial operating funds, says Bridges Executive Director Jen Broderick. “Every swing, every hole, and every cheer helps us make real change in our community.” Christ Church has been a supporter of Bridges since 2019.
Howard County Walk to End Alzheimer's - September 21
The Walk to End Alzheimer’s, an important annual drive at Centennial Park in Ellicott City, is on Saturday, September 21st this year, and your help to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s care, support, and research is needed and appreciated. You can learn more about the event and how to register or donate on their website. Whichever way you choose, it helps to remember those who have been lost to this disease and bring attention to the critical research needed to eradicate Alzheimer’s and mental deterioration.
Home Sweet Home
The WOCC, in partnership with Grassroots, is providing new home kits for those who have recently been homeless and have now found an opportunity to have a home of their own. The kits include much-needed, common materials for anyone who needs assistance with starting a new life chapter.
Please visit our sign-up sheet here, which has specific items you can provide. From trash cans to gift cards, each item will make them feel more at home. Your item donations can then be deposited into the marked bin near the Outreach table in the Tower Room of New Brick. If you have any questions or need assistance, please speak with JoEmily Knox or Sara Kirkpatrick at church, or email We hope you'll participate in this program, which ends on September 22nd.
Columbia Community Care Will Close on Labor Day Weekend and Postpone Reopening the Oakland Mills Distribution Site
Columbia Community Care (CCC) announced it will close its pantry and distribution sites on Saturday, Aug. 31, in observation of the Labor Day holiday weekend.
Two of the sites will reopen the following Saturday, Sept. 7, at Long Reach Village Center, Suite 107, 8775 Cloudleap Ct., and at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Rd. The third site, which will remain closed for a second weekend, is located at The Barn at Oakland Mills Village Center, 5853 Robert Oliver Place, all in Columbia.
When sites are open, volunteers have been arriving at 9 a.m., begin distributing to our neighbors in need between 9:30 and 10 a.m., and close by 11:30 a.m.
Go online to learn how to volunteer at distribution sites or as a translator or shopper at its pantry, which has relocated to the rear of the Long Reach distribution site. Those who need groceries and other necessities can find information by going online to “Get Help” on CCC’s website. Find updates on the CCC Facebook Group.
CCC continues to request baby-care items and diapers, especially sizes 4-6 and pullups in sizes 3T, 4T and 5T. Put these along with sanitary and personal care items and adult diapers in the yellow bin, marked “CCC,” inside the Parish Hall. Drop off items on weekdays when the church office is open or on Sundays. The Christ Church point of contact is Leigh Smith, who monitors the bin and delivers items.
Look for the FISH Bin on the Breezeway near the Parish Hall
FISH of Howard County requests non-perishable foods and toiletries, which we collect in the basket at the altar or in a marked yellow bin on the breezeway between the Parish Hall and Old Brick. FISH provides committed support to select families in need. The neighbors you help give thanks for all you do in their support.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.