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Collect, Readings and Sermon for February 10, 2019
This is the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect of the Day: Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for February 3, 2019
This is the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect of the Day: Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things both in heaven...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for January 27, 2019
This is the Third Sunday after the Epiphany. The Collect of the Day: Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior...
Collect, Readings & Sermon for January 20, 2019
This is the Second Sunday after the Epiphany. Stay warm and safe during this wet winter weekend! Collect of the Day: Almighty God, whose...
Collect and Readings for January 13, 2019
Today is the First Sunday after the Epiphany. Collect of the Day: Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for January 6, 2019
This is the Epiphany, and the first Sunday of 2019. Happy New Year! Collect of the Day: O God, by the leading of a star you manifested...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for December 30, 2018
This is the First Sunday after Christmas. Collect of the Day: Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word:...
Collect and Readings for Christmas Day
The Collect For Christmas Day: O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who...
Collect & Readings for December 16, 2018
This is the Third Sunday of the Advent season. You can read a little more about the meaning of Advent, and view the upcoming schedule of...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for December 9, 2018
This is the Second Sunday of the Advent season. You can read a little more about the meaning of Advent, and view the upcoming schedule of...
Collect, Readings & Sermon for December 2, 2018
This is the First Sunday of the Advent season. You can read a little more about the meaning of Advent, and view the upcoming schedule of...
Collect, Readings & Sermon for November 25, 2018
Collect of the Day: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark,...
Collect and Readings for November 18, 2018
This Sunday was Youth Sunday at Christ Church, when our exceptional youth lead services with readings, prayers, sermons and other unique...
Collect, Readings & Sermon for November 11, 2018
Collect of the Day: O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God...
Collect, Readings and Sermon for November 4, 2018
Collect of the Day: Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son...
Collect, Readings & Sermon for October 28, 2018
Collect of the Day: Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain what you...
Collect & Readings for October 21, 2018
Collect of the Day: Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your...
Readings & Sermon for October 14, 2018
Readings for this Sunday, the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, are found here: Job 23:1-9, 16-17 Psalm 22:1-15 Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark...
Readings & Sermon for October 7, 2018
Readings for this Sunday, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, are found here: Job 1:1; 2:1-10 Psalm 26 Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Mark...
Readings & Sermon for September 30, 2018
Readings for today are found here. Christ Church's sermon for today, Pentecost XIX, is available for streaming or downloading below.
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