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Maundy Thursday - April 6

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 6th

5:00 p.m. Seder meal in New Brick

7:00 p.m. Eucharist in New Brick, with foot-washing and stripping of Altar

9:00 p.m. Vigil in Old Brick

On this evening of Maundy Thursday, we gather together to bring into remembrance the Last Supper of our Lord and the Institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We hear and remember the words of Jesus as he states, “Do this in remembrance of me.” As the service concludes, the altar is stripped of all of its appointments, so that the focus of all can be upon the cross alone on the following day, Good Friday. We then hear of the Agony in the Garden, as Jesus is arrested. The Watch then takes place through the night, as in response to our Lord’s question: “Could you not watch with me for one hour?”

We also remember that night at Christ Church with a Vigil in Old Brick following the Maundy Thursday service. The Vigil will run from 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 6th until 12:00 noon the next day, April 7th. During each hour, we invite two parishioners to participate in the Vigil by signing up for a time slot of your choosing. That sign-up sheet is here, and you're welcome to sign up for just an hour, or for a couple of hours. For more information, please contact Fr. Manny.


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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