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Vendors, Visitors, and Volunteers - The Flea Market is a Month Away!

The Christ Church Flea Market and Craft Fair, presented by the WOCC, is about a month away! We very much need your White Elephant Table items, baked goods, and volunteers! Please read the entire message on our website. Spaces are also still available - It's taking place on Saturday, September 16th (rain date 9/23) and you can now reserve your space(s) - grab one for $15., two for $25., three for $35., or four spaces for $45. If you have rented space in the past, you should have recently received a registration form. We also have forms available in the Narthex, or you can download a copy on our website at

You can use Realm to pay - simply visit - or you can also pay by cash or check, as in years past. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at We also need volunteers, crafts, bakers, and books! It’s the WOCC’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and proceeds are used to help Christ Church. We’re getting organized for this big event, so stay tuned for more information and opportunities to participate. The more people that take part, the more successful this important event can turn out to be!

The White Elephant Table Needs Your Contributions!

Here is your opportunity to pass special items you don’t need anymore on to others who are looking for something just like that! It’s for a great cause - all the proceeds from the White Elephant Table will go to Christ Church's Refugee Ministry.

Here’s how to contribute:

- Donated items can be dropped off at the Parish Hall, during the week of September 11-15 during office hours (9-4:30). All items should be labeled with a suggested price (and remember this is a fund-raiser, so don’t be shy).

- All items should be clean and in good repair/user-ready. Please consider the size and weight of your contributions - no extra heavy items or large furniture. Also - no clothing, please.

Attention All Bakers!

Yummy goodies are needed for the Flea Market Bake Table! Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Brownies, Cupcakes, Donuts, Rolls, Breads, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, all versions are welcome! We will need your delicious individually-wrapped contributions by 8:30 on Saturday, 9/16, or you can arrange with Veronica Ivey to deliver them the day before. There’s a sign-up sheet in the Narthex, or you can send us an email to

We Want Your Books!

Here’s your opportunity to clear out those books you’ve got stacked up, and replace them with different reads at a cheap price. Please drop off your books in the parish hall, lower level, during the week of September 11-15 during office hours (9-4:30).

We Need Your Help!

The Flea Market & Craft Fair is a big undertaking, and we need your help to make it run smoothly. We especially need people to help with parking and traffic flow, and grillers for the food station. there are sign-up sheets in the Narthex, or you can volunteer via email at The Flea Market is the biggest fund raiser for the Women of Christ Church, and all proceeds are used for the church.

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