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RE-GATHER: Coming Back Together for Worship at Christ Church

Dear Friends,

As many of you already know, we have been granted permission by the Diocese of Maryland to offer indoor worship. This is such an exciting moment in the life of our church and, indeed, of our individual lives as well. I cannot thank you enough for your resiliency and for sticking together throughout these perilous times. This isn’t over by any stretch of the imagination, but we are hopeful, and grateful that we can see a flicker of light. As we re-gather for worship this Sunday, October 4, 2020 and each Sunday thereafter, it is my prayer that you will pay very close attention to the following protocols that have been developed to ensure your safety and mine, and a safe environment for our collective worship.

Best, Manny.

CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Columbia, MD Re-Gathering for Worship

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship beginning on October 4, 2020, our primary goal is to offer a safe and holy space for worship. We plan to continue livestreaming our worship.

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship, Federal, State, County and Diocesan directives will always be followed.  Although we are permitted to gather at 75% capacity, it is not our expectation to do so. We can conveniently and safely hold a 75-person worship.   

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship, we plan to hold one service at 10:00 a.m. We intend to evaluate and possibly a second services at 5:00 p.m. beginning in November.

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship, Eucharist will be in one kind (Bread). There will not be any wine served.

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship, please be assured that the Christ Church sanctuary will be fully sanitized and thoroughly cleaned when we welcome you to worship every Sunday.  

  • As Christ Church Re-Gathers for worship, please use the exterior stairs for entry when you arrive for worship. The exterior stairs lead to the two upper doors to New Brick.

  • You may also park your car by Old Brick and use the walkway to New Brick.   

  • Upon entry, there will be volunteers who will check your temperature. If your temperature is above 100.4, you will be asked to return home and consult with your physician. If not, we will welcome you to worship.

  • Please plan to sit on only the rows that are open. If you arrive as a family, please plan to sit together. If not, please make sure that there’s a three chair interval between you and the next worshipper.   

  • Only those who need to use the elevator will be admitted through the lower doors of New Brick.  Those lower doors are for exit only.

  • There will be no hugging, touching, or singing. You must always keep your masks on to cover your mouth and nose.

  • When absolutely necessary, please use the restrooms on the New Brick Lower Level. Our Sexton will be available to sanitize restroom after every use. To re-enter the church, you must go out, and use the exterior stairs to do so.

  • Please endeavor to follow all the directions from our Ushers. Follow all Entry and Exit Signs. Maintain Social Distancing. Stay Safe.

We need more volunteers than normal to help direct worshipers and to sign people in.  If you are able to help, contact Yetti: or Christie:

You can also find this information on our website's new RE-GATHER page:


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

©2025 Christ Episcopal Church, Columbia MD

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