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Our Final Taizé Gathering of the Spring is this Evening.... Join Us!

This evening, April 22nd at 6 p.m. in Old Brick, Christ Church hosts our final Taizé gathering of the spring, a brief and wonderfully enriching service including chants, prayers, Scripture, intercessory prayer, and silence. Mother Marcia Davenport, a long-time adherent and frequent visitor of the Taizé community in France, will lead us. This form of worship offers a time of quiet and intentional reflection, drawing us all closer to the Presence of God in Christ Jesus.

The founder of the Taizé community, Brother Roger, explains: "What we usually call 'Worship' the Taizé community simply calls 'Prayer'. Taizé Prayer consists of 'short chants, repeated again and again, giving them a meditative character. Using just a few words, they express a basic reality of faith, quickly grasped by the mind. As the words are sung over many times, this reality gradually penetrates the whole being. Meditative singing thus becomes a way of listening to God."

Silence is also an important component and a welcome gift to Taizé worship The use of lighted candles and icons offers a visual invitation to pray silently in the presence of others and God. Although chants and even prayers are sung, there is no requirement to be musically gifted to participate; simply join us in Old Brick this evening for an hour or so.

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