Lenten Meditation for Today: Focus!
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” – Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)
Today, we are surrounded by different events with the capacity to distract us from following Him who not only called us but paid the full price for our redemption. Child of God, your redemption is eternal – nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be removed from it. Jesus has obtained eternal redemption for you; it is not temporary. It did not stop when you made a mistake. It is eternal and that’s what your focus should be.
When you are told to focus, it is because there are distractions around. There are many seemingly valid reasons to be distracted, but beloved, no one gets to the destination looking around. So, you must be intentional to focus on your goal. The rumblings, the storms, and the challenges around you are enough to distract you, but you must refuse to be distracted.
Learn from Jesus, His focus was on the outcome not on the issues around Him. He looked at the joy set before Him, so He could endure the cross, the shame, and the beatings and still stand strong. He knew you were worth the price. So, He suffered it all so that today, you can be called His own.
Learn from Peter’s experience with Jesus when he walked on water. For as long as Peter set his eyes on Jesus, he walked on water. He accomplished the supernatural. The storm was still raging, yet he accomplished the supernatural and walked on water because he put his eyes on Jesus. What does that mean? He set his eyes on the Master, and not on the thing happening around him. When he took his eyes off the Master, he started to sink.
“But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” (Matthew 14:30 KJV)
Unlike Peter, stay glued to the Master, and refuse to look at the boisterous wind. Stay focused and you will succeed.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. As l cry out to You in this year 2023, save me and my family, helpers and loved ones from spirit of doubt and fear that permeate this current world. We cast our gaze on You. You are able to deliver from sin, sickness, evil generational patterns, affliction and torment that ensue as a result of unbelief. Sweet Holy Spirit , help us to not waiver for You are constantly living in us. Help us to know that all things are possible to us as we put our total trust in You in the faithful name of Jesus Christ.
~Submitted by Isaac
Readings for Today: