Lenten Meditation: Breaking Boundaries, Creating Hope.

God of Providence, this is the call I hear you echo in my soul each morn as I begin a new day.
I rise up full of confidence; then I read the headlines on my computer about violence and conflict throughout my world and see pictures of citizens of various nations in combat with one another, and cry out:
O Holy One, how can I make a difference?
Then I hear you whisper in my soul:
You do not have to change the world, just spread the power of your kindness and care to those around you.
Speak the word of love and forgiveness to someone who wants to know you care; lift up the spirit of someone who feels isolated; touch the heart of someone who wonders if she is important enough to be noticed.
Break boundaries by creating a relationship with another. Create hope by bringing light to someone in darkness.
Being the energy of Providence and hope in our world is carrying light and love to all around us.
Amen.         Â
~Sister Cathy Campbell, SP