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Join Us for Palm Sunday Services - This Sunday

Palm Sunday at Christ Episcopal Church

This Sunday, April 2nd

Holy Eucharist at 8:00, 9:00, & 10:30 a.m.

Liturgy of Palms begins at Old Brick (weather permitting).

This holiest of weeks begins with Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday. Here the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is recalled, and yet, the liturgy quickly shifts to the events of the week that lead Jesus to his arrest, trial, and death on the cross. The congregation gathers in Old Brick, processes to New Brick with blessed palm leaves, and joins in the reading of the Gospel narrative in parts. The liturgy ends in quietness; a stark contrast to the joy of the procession. And with this, our Holy Week journey begins.

Please join us, and view the rest of our Holy Week and Easter schedule on our website -


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