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It's Keath Sunday!

Today is the Third Sunday in Lent, but this year it is also celebrated as "Keath Sunday" at Christ Church. For those of you who do not know, Mary and her husband Ed are soon heading westward and relocating to Oregon. They are very excited about their trip across the country to begin their next adventure and deserve the fondest of send-offs.

For the last 45-plus years, Mary has been committed to meeting so many of the needs at Christ Episcopal Church. She has served as a Warden, a Greeter for newcomers, the Chair of the Building Committee for New Brick, as Parish Ministries Coordinator, as a master gardener, and a host of other roles. Ed, for his part, has shared his artistic woodworking talents in the form of the beautiful Altar Table, the Cross on the wall, the case that holds the McGill Bible, the Lectern, and the Ambo.

And so in our diverse and appreciative voices, we want to say Bon Voyage, Adios, O dabo (Yoruba), Sanga sung (Efik), Sai anjuma (Hausa), Ijeoma (Ibo), Kwaheri (Swahili), NyiƐmƆ JurƆ (Ga), Arrivederci, Auf wiedersehen, Au revoir, and Happy trails to Mary and Ed. You are loved by all of us!

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