Christ Church is, Very Proudly, an Affirming Church.
At a recent meeting, the Christ Church Vestry voted to designate Christ Episcopal Church as an "Affirming Church” and to list itself in online directories. The vestry also authorized the placement of an image of pride iconography on our website and social media pages.
What is an affirming church? To us, it is a church that affirms the dignity of all persons regardless of race, physical abilities, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identification. This process started during our rector search process, when the Discernment Committee and the Vestry affirmed that race, gender, or sexual orientation would not be factors in the selection of a new Rector. It continued with Father Manny’s selection as Rector of Christ Church and his articulated concerns that we recognize the dignity of all persons who come through our doors and with whom we deal in our daily lives.
To be honest, the Vestry’s actions are only symbolic, outward and visible signs of our inward spiritual commitments as a congregation and as individuals. Spiritually, we must all be willing to acknowledge that every person who comes through the doors of Christ Church is loved by God, and that our duty as Christians is to love them, as well. We trust that all will embrace the Vestry’s action and that Christ Church will serve as a beacon and example for all religious communities.
For more information on affirming churches, please visit and read through the informative site and feel free to email us with any questions or thoughts by emailing or filling out the fields on our website's "Contact" page.