CEC Outreach News: May 20, 2021

Spread the Word to Help the Hungry: Farm to Families Food Giveaways
Spread the word among yourselves and any others who would benefit from free food. Distributions of produce, meat, and dairy items will take place at separate sites in Howard County on the last two Saturdays of May.
These are among the final food giveaways conducted as part of the Farmers to Families Food Box Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In announcing plans to end the program on May 31, 2021, the department said that things have changed since the inception: “It was designed and implemented as a temporary, emergency relief effort to respond to severe market disruption caused by a global pandemic.”
At two sites in Howard County, the dates are the same: Saturday, May 22, and Saturday, May 29. But the times differ slightly. Volunteers will give out boxes starting at 9 a.m. until approximately 10:30 a.m. in the front lot at Ducketts Lane Elementary School, 6501 Ducketts Lane, Elkridge, MD, 21075. At Long Reach High School, 6101 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, MD, 21045, the distribution will begin at 9:30 a.m. and last until about 11 a.m. On each Saturday, the event may conclude earlier, or later, depending on demand for the boxes.
No proof of eligibility is required. The boxes of food will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Columbia Community Care Plans Holiday Break, Announces Summer Changes
During the Memorial Day weekend, Columbia Community Care (CCC) will close its three donation sites on Saturday, May 29. Please spread the word so that those who benefit from CCC or sign up for duties with this all-volunteer organization may plan accordingly.
The distribution sites are located at Oakland Mills Middle School, 9540 Kilimanjaro Rd., Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Rd., and Long Reach Village Center, Suite 9, 8775 Cloudleap Court, all in Columbia.
For the summer, CCC announced new hours at its sites. Starting on June 2nd, the Wednesday hours are from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. for volunteers; the line will be open from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On Saturdays, volunteers work from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; the line is open from 10 a.m. to noon.
CCC also announced that its pantry at Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church in Ellicott City will close permanently as of May 29th. Parishioners who volunteer to assemble and deliver orders for those without transportation will instead be utilizing the remaining pantry, which is located at New Hope Adventist Church in Fulton.
At Christ Church, our Racially Aware Group of Episcopalians (R.A.G.E) and the Outreach Commission join in asking parishioners to continue supporting CCC in various ways. To make it convenient, you may drop off requested items in the yellow collection bins in the Parish Hall. We have been gathering diapers, baby wipes, sanitary and personal care items, and adult diapers such as Depends. You can drop off items on weekdays until 2 p.m., but we ask that you call the church office at (410) 381-9365 ahead of time.

Bridges’ “Taste of Wine, Splash of Charity” to be Held June 10th
Please plan to order tickets and then enjoy the next Bridges to Housing Stability event with a goal to help solve homelessness with housing. Tickets must be ordered by June 6 for the event, which will be held June 10 at the Iron Bridge Wine Co. A dine-in dinner and wine tasting will be accompanied by a fundraiser. Those who prefer to avoid in-person outings can choose takeout.
Each ticket purchased, whether for takeout or in-person dining, results in a $20 contribution to Bridges’ efforts to prevent and end homelessness in Howard County. The cost is $85 for the 5-course dinner and wine tasting or $70 for a three-course, take-out meal and bottle of wine. To learn more about the event and buy tickets, go here.
Those who attend in person will be able to take part in a silent auction to be displayed at Iron Bridge. The auction is expected to include six to eight baskets of leisure activities, vacation packages, wine, and more. Iron Bridge is located at 10435 Rt. 108, Columbia, MD 21044.
Christ Church has a warm relationship with Bridges that dates to 2019 when we participated in its countywide chili cook-off, Holier Than Thou. Parishioner James Collins, a Bridges board member, was the master of ceremonies. That fundraising and camaraderie were surpassed during our own cook-off in February 2020, which raised $1,000. And that, in turn, led to Christ Church winning a Silver Ladle Award during the Chili & Challenge virtual fundraiser last fall.
Save the Date: Monday, June 21 to Help Feed the Hungry at Grassroots
Once again, parishioners and volunteers who join their efforts are looking ahead to the monthly meal that we provide for Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. Save the date: June 21, arriving between 3:15 and 3:30 p.m. at the parking lot outside Old Brick.
Plan to bring a side dish, a dessert, or items for their pantry to be enjoyed round-the-clock by the 50 residents of the live-in facility on Freetown Rd. To sign up, use our electronic registry no later than noon on the Sunday prior to Monday's meal. Click on the Christ Church Grassroots Meal link on SignUpGenius to learn which items are requested and to tell coordinators what you plan to bring.
The drop-off continues to be outdoors. Co-coordinator Nancy Winchester acquires fried chicken at Weis and meets the other volunteers as they enter the Christ Church parking lot. Nancy then transports the food to Freetown Road for handoff to the staff of Grassroots. You’ll find lots of information at the sign-up link, but for questions contact Nancy or co-coordinator Shahra Toth or email outreach@christchurchcolumbia.org.
To further help our neighbors in need, some parishioners take it upon themselves to provide the evening meal for the 50 adults and children. Here is a link to the sign-up list which has openings through June 30th. It’s your choice to provide an entree and side dishes, or just the entree. You can cook in your own kitchen, or order out. Grassroots encourages an order of 12 pizzas -- four with cheese and the rest with meat (any kind), or rotisserie chickens (12 to make a meal), but discourages lasagna or other pasta entrees.

Donate Spring Cleaning Supplies for FISH in its Yellow Bin
Organizers for FISH of Howard County request household cleaning supplies such as liquid dish soap, bleach, and cleanser. Also, the families who call on FISH during times of crisis could use personal items such as deodorant, shampoo, and bath soaps. At the present time, the pantry has an adequate supply of groceries.

SEAFARER’S Donation Requests
We could use your help in gathering the following items. Delivery is made and the date announced when the number of collections gets reasonably accumulated. Contact Carolann Sawyer with any questions.
Bible in modern English (or Tagalog, Russian, or Chinese)
Times/Newsweek/etc. up to 3 months old
Sports Ill/People/etc. up to 6 months
Cars/Computers/Consumers up to 1 year
Reader’s Digest up to a couple of years
National Geographics post-2000
Books (except for Bibles) are less often requested, but some seafarers do appreciate action novels, as well as picture books about Baltimore or the U.S.
Action/adventure DVD’s. Recent popular CDs.
Religious books (in easy English), DVDs, CDs; rosaries.
Clothing - men’s jeans, other sturdy pants (no bigger than XL) or shorts, T-shirts, warm outerwear, and non-skid shoes/boots (in good condition only), and gloves, hats, scarves, and warm socks
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at outreach@christchurchcolumbia.org