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CEC Outreach News: January 23, 2021

Keep Up the Flow of Personal Care Items, Diapers to Support CCC

Parishioners have responded to our invitation to support Columbia Community Care (CCC) by collecting diapers and personal care items for our neighbors who find themselves less fortunate during the pandemic. Please keep up the good work.

Organizers of CCC, an all-volunteer effort, had shared word of the scarcity of these essentials with Christ Church Vestry member Diane Phillips-Laguerre. Besides diapers in all sizes and baby wipes, we are collecting women’s sanitary care products, soaps, shampoo, deodorant, and other toiletries.

Please put them in the yellow bin that's marked “CCC” located just inside the Parish Hall door. You can drop off items on weekdays until 2 p.m., but we ask that you call the Church Office (410) 381-9365 to let them know when you are coming.

Since our drive began at the start of 2021, Diane has made several deliveries to one of the pantries that supply CCC distribution sites. Distribution takes place indoors and abides by pandemic precautions at the following three locations: Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Rd., Faulkner Ridge Neighborhood Center, 10518 Marble Faun Lane, and Stevens Forest Neighborhood Center, 6061 Stevens Forest Rd.

Hours for volunteers and recipients are Wednesdays from 4 to 8 p.m., with lines open for guests at 5 p.m., and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with lines open for guests at 10:30 a.m. Spread the word if you or someone you know needs assistance. Besides the baby and personal items that Christ Church has been collecting, CCC hands out food and cleaning supplies but no clothing, books, or toys.

Several parishioners at Christ Church have volunteered or contributed to CCC. Information on volunteer slots can be found on the CCC website and on the group’s Facebook page.

Save the Dates: On Feb. 15, March 15, Bring Tasty Dishes for Grassroots

If you missed the most recent chance to use your kitchen as a way to reach out to others, now’s the time to mark your calendars for the next few opportunities. Plan to prepare a side dish or dessert for the monthly meal that Christ Church provides to the residents of the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center at its live-in facility on Freetown Rd. Mark your calendars so that you can plan to arrive outside Old Brick on upcoming third Mondays: February 15th and March 15th at 3:30 p.m. each month.

Several members of the Women of Christ Church were among volunteers who brought goodies for the Grassroots meal on Jan. 18th. This time, the third Monday fell on the national day of service for Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. After the onset of the pandemic, we began these curbside drop-offs in lieu of the monthly meals that we once provided in-person at another Grassroots facility, the Dorsey/Rt. 1 Day Resource Center. It remains closed due to the coronavirus, except for curbside distribution of non-perishables.

In this new tradition during the pandemic, co-coordinator Nancy Winchester acquires fried chicken at Weis and meets the other volunteers as they drive up to Christ Church. Nancy then transports the food to Freetown Road for handoff to the staff of Grassroots. Additional volunteers - and the resulting side dishes, desserts, fruit, and granola bars to complement our main course - are always welcome. For questions, ask Nancy or co-coordinator Shahra Toth, or email

On their own, parishioners at Christ Church have signed up to provide the evening meal on several evenings in February or March for the 50 adults and children. Consider pitching in by picking a date to provide an entree and side dishes, or just the entree. Grassroots encourages an order of 12 pizzas - four with cheese and the rest with meat (any kind) - or rotisserie chickens (12 to make a meal) but discourages lasagna or other pasta entrees. Another welcome option is takeout from restaurants to help the foodservice workforce. Here is a link to the sign-up list that's maintained by Grassroots.

Seize Another Opportunity by Gaining QPR Skills to Help Prevent Suicides

Once again, a separate part of Grassroots is offering members of the community a chance to learn skills that could help save a life from suicide. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer -- the three simple steps anyone can learn to help save lives, just as individuals trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver learn what to do. The free online seminar, in which members of Christ Church first participated last June, is being offered remotely in January for Howard County residents, employees, or students.

Grassroots and the Horizon Foundation are offering QPR training for adults on Jan. 25, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. To learn more, go here: Or you can email to speak directly to Amanda Ganoe, the sessions’ organizer. Those of us who completed the training under her guidance gained important insights and, as a bonus, several resources that can be shared with others.

It’s helpful to know that Grassroots operates a 24-hour crisis intervention and supportive counseling hotline (410-531-6677). Individuals may call for various reasons such as suicidal thoughts, family and relationship issues, and addiction, among other problems.

Drive Continues to Collect Non-liquid, Non-perishable Foods for FISH

During the pandemic, the basket of groceries for FISH of Howard County that once stood at the altar has been replaced by a yellow bin, marked “FISH” on the breezeway between the Parish Hall and Old Brick. In winter, keep the weather in mind and bring items such as cereal and granola bars that will not freeze. Please do NOT bring canned goods, liquids in plastic such as juices and salad dressing, or glass containers.

LEMS Committee: Volunteers Needed

The LEMS committee is continuing to contribute to the LEMS Weekend Food Program in 2021! We plan to provide food for ten families one weekend a month in the new year. If anyone is interested in volunteering with the monthly bulk purchasing, bagging, and delivering to the school when New Brick reopens, please contact the committee. With local COVID cases at their peak, we are following strict safety precautions and will expect the same of all volunteers.

The committee has also reached out to the school to find out if they need assistance at the start of the new semester and will let you know what we find out. If you have any questions, please contact Donations can be made towards future LEMS support online using Realm and listing LEMS in the memo line.

In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.


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6800 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21045

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