CEC Outreach News: April 2, 2021

Spread the Word: Pet Food Giveaway by Howard County Animal Control
When household budgets are tight, Fido and Fluffy might be left wanting. If you or a pet owner whom you know is experiencing hard times, here’s good news. The Howard County Animal Control & Adoption Center is planning to distribute free items to the less fortunate during a Drive Thru Pet Food Pantry. It will be held on Friday, April 9, from 10 a.m. to noon, or while supplies last, at Elkridge 50+ Center & Library parking lot, 6540 Washington Blvd., Elkridge, Md. 21075.
CCC Moves Sites Outside, Asks Supporters to Patronize Cafe on April 2nd
Columbia Community Care (CCC), the all-volunteer effort that many of you have learned more about through our Racially Aware Group of Episcopalians (R.A.G.E.) will gain funds from a benefit day on April 2. The Bonheur Patisserie & Cafe, will contribute 10 percent of its receipts to CCC during its hours from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday. Listed on Facebook as Bonheur Deli, the restaurant is located at 7106 Minstrel Way, Columbia, Md., 21045, and can be reached at 443-538-8229.
Leaders of CCC announced this week that springtime weather will allow two of its three sites, which are all in Columbia, to resume distribution outdoors effective Saturday, April 3.
Operations will go from indoors to outdoors at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, 10431 Twin Rivers Rd., Columbia, Md. Look for tables in the staff parking lot on the side of the building. The staff has asked that volunteers and "customers" park in the large parking lot, closer to the entrance to the lot and away from the building. Since Easter weekend services will be happening, this leaves the lot closer to the church free for parishioners. Please watch for directions as the line will shift away from the building as well.
In Oakland Mills, the wintertime site at the Stevens Forest Neighborhood Center is now closed, and the distribution will take place outside Oakland Mills Middle School, 9540 Kilimanjaro Road.
There will be no change in location at Long Reach Village Center, Suite 9, 8775 Cloudleap Ct.
Hours of operation at all three sites remain the same. On Wednesday, they are open for volunteers and donations from 4 to 8 p.m. Lines open for guests at 5 p.m. On Saturdays, sites are open for volunteers and donations from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Meanwhile, our Christ Church drive for CCC continues to seek diapers in all sizes and baby wipes, women’s sanitary care products, soaps, shampoo, deodorant, and other toiletries. Please put them in the yellow bin marked “CCC” any time on weekdays until 2 p.m., but we ask that you call the church office (410) 381-9365 to let them know when you are coming.

DreamBuilders is Building Portable Desks Again!
Our portable desks continue to be very popular with local students, and the schools and student support groups have been clambering for more. We will be building another 120-or-so desks to be given away to identified students on consecutive Saturdays: April 24th and May 1st. The process will be the same as in the past — the work will be divided into socially distanced work stations, and manned by many small teams of family and friends, wearing masks. All work stations will be outside, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Highland. We have lots of jobs for all skill levels, and training will be provided. If you are interested in joining this fun and worthy effort, you can sign up on our website: dreambuildersmd.org. Look for the heading “portable desk project”. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cathy Gold or Stacey Frith.
Donate Cleaning Supplies, Personal Care items for FISH in the Yellow Bin

As spring weather improves, you can now put liquids in the yellow bin marked “FISH” on the breezeway between the Parish Hall and Old Brick. Meanwhile, organizers for FISH of Howard County are thanking parishioners for their non-perishable donations over the winter. Organizers tell us the pantry has an adequate supply of groceries at this time. Instead, they request household cleaning supplies such as liquid dish soap, bleach, and cleanser. Also the families who call on FISH during times of crisis could use personal items such as deodorant, shampoo and bath soaps.

Outreach - Seafarer’s Donations
For years we have been involved in providing requested items to Seafarers. WOCC volunteers plan to deliver the items on April 6th.
Below is a list of the types of magazines, books and DVD’s/CD’s to be donated. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. The Seafarer’s bin is in lower level, near the bottom of the steps, in the Parish House.
Suggested Items needed:
Bible in modern English (or Tagalog, Russian, or Chinese),
Times/Newsweek/etc. up to 3 months old
Sports Illustrated/People/etc. up to 6 months
Cars/Computers/Consumers magazines - up to 1 year
Reader’s Digest up to a couple of years
National Geographics post 2000
Books (except for Bibles) are less often requested, but some seafarers do appreciate action novels, as well as picture books about Baltimore or the U.S.
Action/adventure DVD’s. Recent popular CD’s.
Religious books (in easy English), DVD’s, CD’s; rosaries.
In general, if you have suggestions about ways to help the community, if you want to get involved, or if you need assistance, please email Christ Church Outreach at outreach@christchurchcolumbia.org. Your help is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.